Friday, January 11, 2008

Monday to Friday and weigh in!

I've been tracking all my intake and exercise, but haven't had a chance to update it here till now. Ovarall my eating was okay, however there were a couple times I went to long without eating, then ate 800 -900 cals at once, I need to make sure I stick to small portions with snacks in between, at all times. I should make it a rule to have an apple at 3pm everyday, this will make me less hungry at dinner and add a bit more fiber.

My todays friday weigh in is 163 pounds, so down 1 lb. in 1.5 weeks. I'm happy with my progress because I feel I've packed on a lot of muscle in these last couple weeks, so hopefully I've actually lost a couple or so lbs of fat, and added back some muscle.

Calories: 1758
jog = 30 min = 390 cals
weights, 15 min = 112 cals
DAILY TOTAL: Intake - Exercise = 1256 (344 cals under the 1600 I use per day)

Calories: 2018
snowboarding, 2.5 hrs = 1147 cals
DAILY TOTAL: Intake - Exercise = 871 (729 cals under the 1600 I use per day)

My evening, post workout snack turned into another large meal, because I wasn't able to grab anything to eat until midnight --too many cals!
Calories: 2798
snowboarding = 3 hrs = 1275 cals
weights + abs, 60 min = 420 cals
DAILY TOTAL: Intake - Exercise = 1103 (497 cals under the 1600 I use per day)

Calories: 1688
elliptical = 52 min, high intensity = 676 cals
DAILY TOTAL: Intake - Exercise = 1012 (588 cals under the 1600 I use per day)

Calories: 2128
elliptical = 69 min, high intensity = 897 cals
DAILY TOTAL: Intake - Exercise = 1231 (369 cals under the 1600 I use per day)

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